Gira Event Clear

Pushbutton switch,
Gira Event Clear, black/pure white glossy
Pushbutton switch,
Gira Event Clear, brown/cream white glossy
Pushbutton switch,
Gira Event Clear, sand/anthracite

Clear visual depth, high-gloss surface, a wide variety of colours

Gira Event Clear brings out colours with a particular luminosity. This design line is characterised by its clarity and visual depth, and high-gloss surface — an effect created by transparent plastic on top of a coloured background.

This changes the way light falls upon the colours, and they develop a unique intensity. Gira Event Clear is available in white, black, brown and sand.


(in mm)
1-gang cover frame
H 90 x W 90 x D 11.35
2-gang cover frame
H 161.1 x W 90 x D 11.35
3-gang cover frame
H 232.6 x W 90 x D 11.35
4-gang cover frame
H 303.9 x W 90 x D 11.35
5-gang cover frame
H 375.2 x W 90 x D 11.35


Phoenix Design, Stuttgart
Design awards Event Clear
- iF Product Design Award, iF Design Hanover, 2009 - red dot award: product design, Design Zentrum NRW, 2009 - Plus X Award, Design, 2009

Function examples

Pushbutton switch,
Gira Event Clear, white/pure white glossy
2-gang combination switch/SCHUKO socket outlet,
Gira Event Clear, white/pure white glossy
Pushbutton sensor 3, 3-gang,
Gira Event Clear, white/pure white glossy
Flush-mounted radio,
Gira Event Clear, white/pure white glossy


Installation instructions

The following files are not available in the language you have selected, but may be in other translations.


Montage- und Pflegeanleitung.

PDF, 824,3 KB


Bohrschablone für Aufputz-Gehäuse Gira Studio

Markierungen für Bohrlöcher.

Bestell-Nr 0211 130, 0211 135, 0061 053, 0061 055

PDF, 111,7 KB


Product information

The following files are not available in the language you have selected, but may be in other translations.

Gira E2

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 330,0 KB


Gira E3

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 188,3 KB


Gira Esprit

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 707,1 KB


Gira Event

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 657,1 KB


Gira Studio

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 220,8 KB


Gira TX44

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 194,8 KB


Gira Standard 55

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 327,2 KB


Gira Flächenschalter

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 359,8 KB


Gira E1

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 214,1 KB



Gira Design Line & Function

Bestell-Nr 18125 90

PDF, 4,4 MB


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