After the firmware update the Gira Logic Module is protected by a device password. The password is "device". Please change the device password during configuration.
New functions
Logic functions: a new node in the node library: RS-Flipflop.
Timers revised: 20 timers with 10 switching times each are available
Scenes revised: 20 scene sets with 64 scenes each are available
KNX group address data points expanded: The KNX group address data points were increased from 150 to 300. You can use up to 480 data points in a project. (300 KNX group address data points, 180 discretionary device data points).
PID controller: Controller behaviour corrected when the "Active" parameter is set to "0".
Telegram delayer: The telegram delayer's runtime behaviour has been improved.
Position of the sun node: The position of the sun node now uses the correct time.
The node input is now set correctly upon node initialisation via variable data point.
Communication object / device data point "Runtime": Time is now displayed correctly.
Teach-in of scenes: Teach-in of scenes in conjunction with listening group addresses has been improved.
To perform the update the Gira Project Assistant V 2.1 is required. It is recommended to always use the latest available GPA version. Please follow the instructions in the enclosed documentation.